Forging a Frontier: Social Capital and Canada's Mounted Police, 1867-1914


From the Author's Abstract:

"This article examines the role of the North West Mounted Police in creating communities in the Canadian Prairies during the first decades of Confederation. Despite being created as an institution of law enforcement, the Mounted Police acted more often as a social bonding agent, creating the necessary conditions and organizations required to establish permanent communities otherwise isolated from one another. As the only federal presence in the frontier, the force evolved into an autonomous institution of cultural stability, performing vital services and advocating for frontier objectives to the government in Ottawa." 

Publication Information

Fanning, Soren. "Forging a Frontier: Social Capital and Canada's Mounted Police, 1867–1914." American Review of Canadian Studies 42, no. 4 (2012): 515-29.

Fanning, Soren
Publication Date
Primary Resource
Resource Type