Treaty 4 Negotiations


Lieutenant-Governor Alexander Morris asserted that on multiple occasions Saulteaux signatories of Treaty 1 sent messengers to Qu'Appelle to prevent a treaty from being concluded. Treaty 1 signatories were angered that the Canadian government was not recognizing promises agreed to orally in treaty negotiations.

Morris realized that due to the close connection of the Plains Indigenous peoples resolving conflicts with aggrieved parties was vital to confirming positive relations with other communities. Because of this, Morris agreed to implement the requested treaty revisions the following year and addressed annuity grievances that had not been paid. The effort of Treaty 1 leaders to disrupt Treaty 4 negotiations led to revisions of Treaties 1 and 2 circa 1875.

In Morris' report from "The Treaties of Canada with the Indians of Manitoba and the North-West Territories Including the Negotiations on which they were based, and other Information relating thereto" he details the negotiations between himself and Salteaux signatories of Treaty 1, pages 134-137.

Sub Event
Potential signatories informed of government failure by Treaty 1 signatories.