The Federation of Saskatchewan Indians came together in 1958, forming as a merger of the Union of Saskatchewan Indians and the Queen Victoria Treaty Protection Association. The Federation was based on an organization through which provincial and regional executives were derived from local band councils in each of the nine agencies. The group began receiving funding from the CCF government in 1961-1962. As part of receiving funding, the FSI adopted a new method of electing board members and created an official constitution. Previous to this, their leadership and organizational mandate had been unofficial. The Queen Victoria Protective Society dissolved around 1966, after the FSI began receiving government funding.
Glenbow Archives, M125, III “Correspondence, 1933-67,” f. 22, “Norris, 1945-1967 (Mining and Native Right),” M.F Norris to J. Brady, 15 February 1962; James Pitsula, “The Thatcher Government in Saskatchewan and Treaty Indian, 1964-1971: The Quiet Revolution,” Saskatchewan History 48, 1 (Spring 1996): 3-16;