The Destruction of Flin Flon Lake


This event concerns the degradation and destruction of the Flin Flon lake, by the Hudson's Bay Mining and Smelting company, beginning in the year 1928. As stated by Angus: "Yeah, they pumped all the water. He took all that dirt and mud in there, and they picked up a gold in there. They cleaned all that dirt. They go through in there and smelt there."

The creation of the mine were numerous and permanent. Firstly, those who have depended upon the lake for survival can no longer do so, as it no longer exists. Secondly, colonial resource control means that very little, (if any) of the benefits of the resource extraction by Hudson's Bay were distributed to surrounding communities. Long term effects of mining and smelting generally prove to be disastrous on the surrounding environment: resource degradation, interrupted animal migration patterns (therefore affecting subsistence patterns), contamination of water and plant life, and relocation (whether forced or voluntary) can all be caused due to resource development.