Berry Richards interview on his relationships with Malcolm Norris and Jim Brady and his observations of their work


From the Gabriel Dumont Institute: "Berry Richards was a close associate of both Norris and Brady and was a long time socialist and political activist who shared the goals of the two men in the north. Contrasts the two men regarding their approaches to politics, their individual intellects; the practical nature of their political work." -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- This is particularly relevant to Metis political organization and local-provincial political interactions. -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Keywords: Northern Saskatchewan, Malcolm Norris, Jim Brady, Foster Lake, Uranium, Eldorado Company, Political Organization, Local Governance, Provincial Governance

Publication Information

Richards, Berry. Interview by Murray Dobbin. Transcript. June 14, 1976. Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture.Gabriel Dumont Institute.

Richards, Berry. Interviewed by Murray Dobbin.
Publication Date
Primary Resource