Kawkeeshiway Grievance Regarding Treaty 4 Implemenation


At Fort Qu'Appelle, Kawkeeshiway (Loud Voice) expressed his displeasure that the treaty was not being implemented as they understood the agreement. Specifically, the government was not providing the means for subsistence negotiated in the treaty.

Louis O'Soup (Speaking on behalf of the signatories) implied that if the proper subsistence was not provided that the treaty should be repudiated. This event highlights the discrepancies between the agreement First Nations peoples believed they were entering and how the treaties were ultimately implemented. As they did not speak or write English fluently, First Nations leaders relied on interpreters and oral agreements during the negotiations. Some of these agreements were not included in the written documents. As well, the Canadian Government avoided implementing aspects of the written treaty document to curb their spending.

Trow, James. Manitoba and the North West Territories: Letters by James Trow. Ottawa: Department of Agriculture, 1878. 53.
