Reorganization of Indian Affairs


With the incoming of a new Liberal government, an assortment of cost-cutting measures were put in place to make the administration of Indian Affairs more efficient in the Northwest. The Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs and the Deputy Minister of the Interior were replaced with a single deputy, James A. Smart. The office of the commissioner was also moved from Regina to Winnipeg, the staff of the office greatly reduced, and the role of the commissioner was reduced to focus mainly on overseeing schools and inspecting Indian agencies.

The prioritization of cost-cutting measures over the welfare of Indigenous people is indicative of the government's goal to assimilate as a means of eradicating the "Indian Problem." By cutting services and making access to Department officials more difficult, the government could skirt its duties to Indigenous peoples by simply making it harder to communicate with the Department of Indian Affairs.
Sub Event
Position of Deputy Superintendent General of Indian Affairs and Deputy Minister of the Interior Combined