Superintendent Given Control over Pool Rooms and Dance Halls


The Superintendent General of Indian Affairs was given regulatory power over pool rooms, dance halls, and other recreational locations in order to discourage Aboriginal people from frequenting these establishments. Further restrictions were enacted in 1930 when it became illegal for the owner of a pool hall to allow an Aboriginal person in their establishment.

This legislation is indicative of a belief that Indigenous people were more susceptible to social vices and excesses than non-Indigenous people, and that participation in these types of recreational activities would be counter-productive to the programs of assimilation and "civilization" that had been imposed by the government. As such, paternalistic policies of protection were viewed as necessary. In doing so, these policies did not extend the same rights or freedoms of choice afforded to non-Indigenous people, nor did it empower them to make their own choices as it relates to their well-being.

Statutes of Canada (17 Geo. V, cap. 32), p. 157, sec. 92, subsec. (g).


