Legends of our Times: Native Cowboy Life


From the Author's Introduction, Page 2:

"Legends of our times began with two clear goals. The first was to help break the stereotype of 'the Indian versus the cowboy' and through remaking that image to bring to people's attention an entire field of western history and Native culture that remains largely unknown. The second was to acknowledge the contributions Native people have made to the ranching and rodeo industry. As the work progressed, the authors were frequently asked what makes Native cowboys and their rodeos different from their non-Native counterparts. This volume tries to answer that question through the words and artistry of Native people themselves.

The stories, local history, art, artifacts, and poetry offered in the following pages reflect how Aboriginal people have combined two cultures - that of the cowboy and that of the Native peoples of the North American Plains and Plateau. Cowboy culture, which includes women ranchers and 'cowgirls,' involves working on the land, working with animals, and having a freedom of choice and action rarely found in other forms of employment. As a group, cowboys have a characteristic apparel of boots and hats, jeans, chinks and chaps developed from the clothing of the Spanish vaqueros some 500 years ago. The tools of their trade - ropes, horse gear, and clothing - are distinctive. Working cowboys also share a common body of knowledge about horses and cattle, livestock markets and hay prices, and a set of expectations about themselves, their work, and how to get things done. For Native cowboys throughout the Americas their traditional beliefs, practices, and especially their history impart an additional dimension to cowboy culture. For many there exists a special relationship with the animals with which they work." (2).

A digital edition of Legends of our Times is available through Open Library


Publication Information

Baillargeon, Morgan and Tepper, Leslie Eds. Legends of our Times: Native Cowboy Life. Vancouver: UBC Press; Seattle: University of Washington Press, 1998.

Baillargeon, Morgan
Tepper, Leslie
Publication Date
Primary Resource
Resource Type
File Description
Legends of Our Times, Native Cowboy Life - Review - Thomas, Phillip Drennon
File Description
Legends of Our Times, Native Cowboy Life - Review - Slatta, Richard W.