Sterilizing the ‘Feeble-Minded:' Eugenics in Alberta, Canada, 1929–1972


Author's Abstract, Page 358:

"Between 1929 and 1972, the Alberta Eugenics Board recommended that 4739 residents of the province be sterilized. However, only 60% of these individuals, 2834 in total, were ultimately sterilized since the legislation under which the Eugenics Board operated required patient consent to be obtained unless the individual recommended for sterilization was diagnosed as “mentally defective.” Women, teenagers and young adults, and Aboriginals were particularly targeted by the Alberta Eugenics Board. The Board pursued its sterilization mandate extremely aggressively and, because of a unique set of social, political and economic circumstances in the province, continued to operate long after other political jurisdictions in North America had set aside their involuntary sterilization programs." (358).

Publication Information

Grekul, Jana, Arvey Krahn, and Dave Odynak. “Sterilizing the ‘Feeble-Minded’: Eugenics in Alberta, Canada, 1929–1972.” Journal of Historical Sociology 17, no. 4 (December 2004): 358–84. 

Grekul, Jana
Krahn, Arvey
Odynak, Dave
Publication Date
Primary Resource
Resource Type