Ron Camponi Interviews


Abstracts provided by the Gabriel Dumont Institute: Interview 1 - "Ron was interviewed on March 19, 1984 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Ron has a detailed discussion of the discrimination against the Métis. He also has detailed discussions on politics, religion, scrip, work and the wages received. Ron touches on extended family, education, social life and illnesses." Interview 2 - "Ron Camponi was interviewed on February 26, 1993. He talks a little bit about himself and then he discusses where, when and how he enlisted for the war. Ron talks about the different wars he fought in as he spent a large portion of his life in the army. He enlisted when he was only 16 and got discharged for the third time at the age of 46. Ron shares his feelings and impressions from each war he participated in, focusing on the Korean War. Ron has also had a number of family members participate in wars, so he shares with us who fought in which war. After the war Ron discusses how he worked for the Native Alcohol Centre and Saskatchewan Native Housing. Like other veterans Ron also discusses some of the disadvantages Métis people are faced with." Interview 3 - "Ron Camponi was interviewed on February 29, 1993. Ron shares the names of his brothers who also participated in wars as well as the names of other Métis veterans. He also discusses some of his experiences in the war and some of the disciplinary actions in the army compared to nowadays." --------------------- Keywords: Employment, Racism, Integration & Mobility, Housing, Scrip, Land Claims, Land use (Subsistence Patterns), Lack of Access to Education, Community Breaking/Fracture, Government Funding, Religion, Elections

Publication Information

Camponi, Ron. Interview by Judy Thibodeau. Transcript (1). March 19, 1984. Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture. Gabriel Dumont Institute.

Camponi, Ron; Thibodeau, Judy.
Publication Date
1984, 1993
Primary Resource