Edward Denomie Interview


Edward Denomie was interviewed in Lestock. His family homesteaded nearby the town. They lived in a log house, farming, gardening, and raising animals. However, the soil was sandy so this posed challenges in agriculture. His father sold mink furs for a living. Because of their economic condition, his brother-in-law enlisted in the army. Subsequently, they had to sell their farm. When he was ten years old, his mother died after a serious illness. His sister Mary was a year and a half in the hospital. In the summer, his family worked in farms, threshing. Sometimes, they were clearing bushes up north, near Wadena, and which Edward recalls fondly. During winter, they hunted, trapped, or stayed home.

Keywords: Housing, Land use (Subsistence Patterns), Fur Trade, Healthcare, Employment

Publication Information

Denomie, Edward. Interview by Sharon Gaddie and Margaret Jefferson. Transcript. August 05, 1982. Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture. Gabriel Dumont Institute. http://www.metismuseum.ca/resource.php/01013

Denomie, Edward
Publication Date
Primary Resource
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