Using and Citing the Database

Citing the Database

The following statement must appear in or on any publications or work which incorporate or are based on information found on the database:

“This work is based upon information provided through the ‘Gladue Rights Research Database: Legal Aid Saskatchewan,’ Accessed [provide date here], [hyperlink to entry source] [or]”

This database is created under the supervision of Legal Aid Saskatchewan, the Gladue Database Advisory Committee*, and representatives from the University of Saskatchewan and licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License. To view a copy of this license, visit

Using Advanced Search 

  • Allows user to filter results by type
  • Filter by Resources, Basic Page (Key Concept pages), Community, Event, and School
  • Recommended search method because it produces specific, better results and avoids wasting time  

Search Tool


*Gladue Database Advisory Committee:

  • Jayne Mallin, CEO, Legal Aid Saskatchewan 

  • Benjamin Hoy, Associate Professor, Department of History (USASK)
  • Benjamin Ralston, Assistant Professor, College of Law  (USASK) 
  • James Scott, Court Appointed Counsel, Legal Aid Saskatchewan 
  • Carl Swenson, BSN Law 
  • Alan Kilpatrick, Co-Director & Librarian, Legal Resources, Law Society of Saskatchewan