Neglect at the Crowstand Indian Residential School


Attempting to comply with the Department's policy of monthly medical visits (see Battleford Industrial School - Agent J. Day Request to Department of Indian Affairs) which had become more common since 1891, Dr. T. Patrick made two visits to the Crowstand Residential School in 1893 and 1894. The reports from both visits identified that the drainage and water systems were threatening the health of the students. He also appealed for better heating and ventilation in the boys' dorms and concluded with the alarming observation that the pupils were being neglected, stating that "sores and cuts on some of the Children had not been attended to."

Reports calling for upgrades to the Residential Schools were becoming increasingly common with the new emphasis on monthly medical visits. Financially, few of these renovations could be undertaken, especially after Parliamentary appropriations had run out in 1896. More funds were later allocated to the residential schools in 1911, but with the start of the First World War in 1914, these funds were in turn re-appropriated to the war effort.