Indian Residential Schools. A Research Study of the Child Care Programs of Nine Residential Schools in Saskatchewan.


"The Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development Commissioned this study by the Canadian Welfare Council to examine child care programs in residential schools relative to their effect on the adaptation (present and projected) and adjustment of Indian students. Specific research variables were: (1) the institution, which was subdivided into factors of physical conditions, methods of discipline, program, and administration; (2) adaptation, with regard to the dominant culture and the reservation Indian culture; and (3) adjustment, measured in terms of attitudes and aspirations. The sample was selected from Indian children in grades 5 to 12 in the 9 residential schools in Saskatchewan. It was found that (1) admission procedures throughout the schools were far from standardized, (2) the personal adjustment of the Indian children was below normal, (3) the schools uniformly failed to meet the individual needs of the students, (4) the schools have become isolated from the reservations they serve, (5) there existed no systematic evaluation of the over-all program of the residential schools, and (6) there was a definite need for a manual of personnel policies and practices. Extensive recommendations are included." (JM) The nine Indian Schools are Kamsack, Onion Lake, Prince Albert, Punnichy, Beauval, Lebret, Lestock, Duke Lake and Marieval.

Publication Information

Caldwell, George, Project Director. Indian Residential Schools. A Research Study of the Child Care Programs of Nine Residential Schools in Saskatchewan. Prepared for Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Government of Canada. Ottawa: Canadian Welfare Council, 1967. full text online, Canadian Government website:…

Caldwell, George (Project Director)
Publication Date
Primary Resource