
Payipwat [Piapot]

Webpage reads:

"Payipwat was one of five major chiefs of the Plains Cree (Nehiyawak) after 1860. He was born around 1816, probably in what is now southwestern Manitoba or eastern Saskatchewan, and named Kisikawasan Awasis, or "Flash in the Sky Boy." As a child he and his grandmother were captured and adopted by the Sioux. At age fourteen he was rescued by his own people, and he grew up to be a highly respected spiritual leader among the Young Dogs, a notable Cree-Assiniboine band of the Qu'Appelle Valley region.

Urban Indian Reserves

Wheeler's entry comments on the rise of urban reserves in Saskatchewan, and describes the two types of First Nations Landholdings in urban settings. The two types of urban reserves fall under the jurisdiction of municipalities, similar to private holdings, and those that have Indian reserve status, which are now called urban reserves. Wheeler also describes the relationship between municipalities and the Centre for Municipal-Aboriginal Relations.

Treaty Research Reports

Historical interpretations of treaties the Crown has negotiated with Indigenous peoples since the 18th century. 

For more information, visit the Treaty Relations Resource Centre, which was created to assist researchers, public servants, academics, Indigenous peoples, and the general public. The Centre is a repository of a treaty specific document collection. The Centre, its collection and its finding aids are open to the public, and accessible through the Crown-Indigenous Relations and Northern Affairs Canada library.

The Northern Village of Ile-a-la-Crosse

Transcription of the Webpage:

"Welcome to The Northern Village of Ile a la Crosse In 1976 we celebrated our community's bi-centennial marking our long rich history and the important role we played in the development of Western Canada. 

Ile a la Crosse is the birthplace of Louis Riel Sr. and is the gravesite of Sr. Marguerite Riel (the sister of Louis Riel). In countless history books and maps, the community of Ile a la Crosse is duly noted for its historical significance in settling this entire area. 

Treaty Research Report - Treaty Five (1875)

From the Author's Conclusion:

"Treaty Five straddled two different phases in the treaty-making process in western Canada - the early plains treaties and the later northern treaties. The negotiation of the initial accord and subsequent adhesions reflect the changes in government priorities during the intervening quarter century and the Natives people's continuing interest in securing the apparent guarantees and assistance of a federal treaty.

Métis Scrip

Our Legacy Entry - Métis Scrip


This site is a co-operative initiative among several of Saskatchewan’s publicly-accessible archives. Its purpose is to increase the information normally available in a digizited record by providing access to many of these documents and descriptions. When needed, some finding aids are also available. Although less comprehensive, the site also includes some published secondary resources and primary historical resources.