Death of Lazarus Charles


In 1891 there was an incident at the Battelford Industrial School in which a student, Lazarus Charles, was confined to some specially built cells in the basement and subsequently became ill and died after being taken home by his parents. This incident was yet another complaint leveled against the administration of Rev. Thomas Clarke, sparking a debate within the Department of Indian Affairs for power of authority in matters affecting Indian education. Since the Northwest/Riel Resistance in 1885, complaints were made regarding the access parents had to their children, the exploitation of student labor, Rev. Clarke's management of the school faculty, dietary concerns, and insufficient medical. These complaints eventually led to the dismissal of Rev. Clarke as principle of the school in 1894.


(All - Reed Papers, vol. 14, file Hayter Reed 1893, 1404, H. Reed to to Deputy SGIA, 16 June 1893; vol. 13, S.T. Macadam, 193, S.T. to Principal, 27 Feb. 1893; file W. Latimer 1893, W. Latimer to Dear Sir, 28 Feb. 1893; File J. Ansdell Macrae, 787, 788, 789, J.A. Macrae to Reed, 14 July and 23 Nov. 1891; 791, J.A. Mcrae to DSGIA, 15 Dec. 1892.)
