Walther (Brady), Anne, Brady, Sister A. & Chapman, Dorothy Interview


Abstract provided by the Gabriel Dumont Institute: "These three ladies were interviewed on August 15, 1977 in Winnipeg, Manitoba. The informants are three of Jim Brady's sisters, one a nun and teacher, another a nurse. They are Dorothy Chapman, Sister Brady, and Anne Walther. They talk of early family life in St. Paul des Métis in the 1920s and '30s. They also discuss Brady's early life, James Brady Sr., his politics and lifestyle, and Laurent Garneau, Brady's maternal grandfather. The three sisters also talk about the roles of women, raising children, education, illnesses, and discrimination against the Métis." ----------------- Keywords: Women and Gender, Community Breaking/Fracture, Residential Schools, Warfare, Elections, Land use (Subsistence Patterns), Healthcare, Racism, Reserve System, Fur Trade, Integration & Mobility, Land Claims, Religion

Publication Information

Walther (Brady), Anne, Brady, Sister A. & Chapman, Dorothy. Interview by Murray Dobbin. Transcript. August 15, 1977. Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture. Gabriel Dumont Institute. http://www.metismuseum.ca/resource.php/01176

Walther (Brady), Anne, Brady, Sister A. & Chapman, Dorothy; Dobbin, Murray.
Publication Date
Primary Resource