Gervais, Maxime Interview


Abstract provided by the Gabriel Dumont Institute: Maxime was interviewed on April 11, 1984 in Duck Lake, Saskatchewan. Maxime only attended school for four years before he entered the workforce where he got his first job farming. Maxime describes his school experiences and some of the teachers he had. Maxime traveled to Manitoba for work where he met his wife and he discusses the various jobs he had. Maxime’s wife joins in the conversation and they discuss some dances and illnesses. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Keywords: Day School, Education, Employment, Housing, Healthcare

Publication Information

Gervais, Maxime. Interview by Brenda Arnault. Transcript. April 11, 1984. Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture. Gabriel Dumont Institute.

Gervais, Maxime
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Gervais, Maxime Interview