Gray, James Interview


Abstract provided by the Gabriel Dumont Institute: James was interviewed on July 7, 1976 in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. Jim Gray was a senior bureaucrat with the new CCF government and was the head of the Timber Board as well as being a member of the Fish Board. As a government employee, he was acquainted with Norris and Brady. During this interview, James also talks about Malcolm Norris, his outspokenness, fish marketing in Saskatchewan, education and religion in the north, and the government box factory. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Keywords: Provincial Governance , Fur Trade, Resource Degradation, Resource Development , Legal, Fish Marketing Service, Fur Marketing Service, Religion, Racism

Publication Information

Gray, James. Interview by Murray Dobbin. Transcript. July 7, 1976. Virtual Museum of Métis History and Culture. Gabriel Dumont Institute.

Gray, James
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Gray, James Interview