Stolen Generosity and Nurturance of Ignorance: Oh Canada, Our "Home" is Native Land


Author's Abstract, Page 46:

"The relations between immigrants and First Nations people must be examined in light of the fact that, regardless of whether we are born into settler states or we are immigrants who choose to occupy Indigenous territories, as settlers we benefit from the usurpation of Indigenous territories and the continuing oppression of Indigenous peoples. Settler entitlement to Native land is advanced on the basis of misinformation and colonial ideology which denies the inherent and collective land rights of Indigenous nations in order to claim Canada as "our home and native land." An ongoing commitment to peaceful coexistence between Indigenous people and Canadian settlers requires decolonization, truth telling, and restitution." (46).

Publication Information

Seems, Ahluwalia. "Stolen Generosity and Nurturance of Ignorance: Oh Canada, Our "Home" is Native Land." Canadian Issues (2012), 46-52.

Seems, Ahluwalia
Publication Date
Primary Resource
Resource Type