Hayter Reed attempted to use an order-in-council to force the Chakastapaysin reserve to revert to the crown, rather than negotiating a surrender. He planned instead to amalgamate the membership of that band with the James Smith and Cumberland House bands. The Justice Department ruled that this move was not legal. Instead, the Department succeeded in negotiating the surrender of the band's entire reserve, and their amalgamation with the other two bands in 1897. The surrender was signed by only 9 band members, though it is not certain how many were present to witness the negotiations.
v. 6663. f . 109A-1. E. L Newcombe to the Acting Secretary of the Department of Indian Affairs, May 14, 1897. v. 1598. chacastapasin surrender, June 25, 1897. copy in in Indian Treaties & surrenders. 1912 (no. 383, v, III. p. 200). v.6663, f.109A-3-1. J,M, McTaggart to the Minister of the Interior, October 12, 1895; Secretary of the Department of the Interior to Reed, December 18. 1895; Reed to Forget. February 8, 1896.