
Title Sub Event Start Date
DIA Denies Band Permission to Attend Fairs 1914-00-00
Treaty 6 Adhesion Waterhen Lake 1913-06-25
Creation of Nekaneet Reserve 1913-00-00
Scott Appointed Deputy Superintendent of Indian Affairs 1913-00-00
Drowning of Student at File Hills Indian Residential School 1912-11-00
Creation of Moose Mountain Reserve 1912-00-00
DIA Requests that Exhibitions Remove Aboriginal Performances from Events 1911-01-00
Treaty 4 Delegates Meeting in Ottawa 1911-01-00
Laurier Government Gives Itself Power to Claim Reserve Land 1911-00-00
Mistawasis Land Surrender 1911-00-00
Indian Act Amendment Oliver Act - Section 49a 1911-00-00
Government Official Bribes Peepeekisis Band Members 1911-00-00
Tuberculosis at Duck Lake/St. Michael's Residential School 1910-00-00
The Key Land Surrender 1909-00-00
Work Program at Duck Lake/St. Michael's Residential School 1909-00-00
Moosomin Land Surrender 1909-00-00
Muscowpetung Land Surrender 1909-00-00
Thunderchild First Nation Land Surrender 1908-00-00
Chief John Iron Reports Violation Regarding Treaty 10 Negotiations and Implementation 1907-07-24
Closure of the Battleford Industrial School 1907-00-00
Distribution of Metis Scrip in Association with Treaty 10 Fraud/Speculation of Metis land scrip 1907-00-00
Removal of Principal Matheson from Battleford Industrial School 1907-00-00
Living Conditions and Abuse of Students at Crowstand Indian Residential School 1907-00-00
Chief William Apisis Expresses Concern Regarding Preservation of Hunting and Fishing Rights 1907-00-00
Cowessess Land Surrender 1907-00-00
Fishing Lake Land Surrender 1907-00-00
Kahkewistahaw Land Surrender 1907-00-00
Treaty 10 Île-à-la-Crosse, Lac du Brochet, Canoe Lake 1906-08-28
Assiniboine Agency Sports Days Petition Assiniboine Sports Days 1906-07-18
1906 Special Western Census: Metis Not Identified 1906-00-00