
Title Sub Event Start Date
Trial of Pihtikwahanapiwiyin (Poundmaker) 1885-08-00
Aftermath of the North-West Resistance: Trial and Execution of Louis Riel Trial and Execution of Louis Riel 1885-07-20
North-West/Riel Resistance Big Bear Surrenders 1885-07-02
Creation of Muscowpetung's Agency 1885-07-01
Fishing Station Surveyed in the Qu'Appelle Valley 1885-06-27
Chief Beardy Refused Rations at Prince Albert 1885-05-24
North-West/Riel Resistance Battle of Batoche 1885-05-09
North-West Resistance / Riel Resistance Middleton Requests Indians be Confined to Reserves 1885-05-06
North-West/Riel Resistance Battle of Cut Knife Hill 1885-05-02
North-West/Riel Resistance Dewdney Keeps the Nature of Aboriginal Involvement Secret 1885-05-00
Northwest Resistance: Memorandum for the Hon. the Indian Commissioner Relative to the Future Management of Indians 1885-05-00
North-West Resistance / Riel Resistance Battle of Fish Creek 1885-04-24
North-West/Riel Resistance Cree Capture Fort Pitt, Allow Police to Leave Unharmed 1885-04-14
North-West/Riel Resistance Frog Lake Massacre 1885-04-02
North-West/Riel Resistance Battle of Duck Lake 1885-03-26
North-West/Riel Resistance Creation of Provisional Government 1885-03-08
North-West/Riel Resistance Chief Whitecap's Community Forced to Aid Metis 1885-03-00
Battleford Industrial School Evicted North West Resistance / Riel Resistance 1885-03-00
Split between Metis and Clergy at Batoche 1885-02-24
Government Recognizes the Aboriginal Rights of Metis Outside Manitoba 1885-01-28
Urgent Petition Sent to the Federal Government by the Metis 1885-01-00
Members of Cumberland Band Leave Their Reserve Unsuitable Reserve Land 1885-00-00
Economic Disadvantagement in the Aftermath of the North-West Resistance for the Métis 1885-00-00
North-West/Riel Resistance Reduction of the Prince Albert Dakota Community 1885-00-00
Completion of the Canadian Pacific Railway Introduced New Diseases in the West 1885-00-00
Introduction of Road Allowances 1885-00-00
The Permit System 1885-00-00
Disintegration/Amalgamation of Disloyal Bands 1885-00-00
Aftermath of the North-West: Weapons Prohibited 1885-00-00
Introduction of Pass System 1885-00-00