
Title Sub Event Start Date
Violence on Poundmaker Reserve After Rations Refused 1884-00-00
Vankoughnet Requests the Statutory Abolishment of the Sun Dance This prohibited Indigenous groups from engaging in Sun Dance ceremonies. 1884-00-00
Treaty 4 Chiefs Thirst Dance 1884-00-00
Plains Cree Disallowed Selection of Desired Reserves 1884-00-00
Opening of the Battleford Industrial School 1883-10-00
Reserves Surveyed for Assiniboine near Fort Qu'Appelle 1883-05-06
Reduction of Department of Indian Affairs Funding 1883-00-00
Fort Walsh Closed 1883-00-00
Battleford Industrial School Fails to Meet Enrollment Expectations Rev. T. Clarke Fired as Principle 1883-00-00
Treaty 6 Adhesion: Big Bear 1882-12-08
Indian Affairs Circular Prohibits Polygamy 1882-07-24
Piapot Leaves Cypress Hills 1882-06-23
Cypress Hills Cree Forced to Leave 1882-03-24
Star Blanket Band Members Abandon Reserves 1882-00-00
American Officials Raid Indigenous Communities 1882-00-00
Macdonald Government Recommends Increasing NWMP Presence 1882-00-00
Policy of Resettling Indigenous People North of the CPR Boundary 1882-00-00
Parliamentary Criticism of Home Farm Program 1882-00-00
Amendment to Clause 12 of Bill 37 Regarding CPR Lands 1882-00-00
Introduction of New System of Annuity Payment for those Absent at Time of Payment 1882-00-00
Large Metis Contingent Emigrates to South Saskatchewan River Valley 1882-00-00
Provision added to Legislation Regarding the Sale and Purchase of Alcohol 1882-00-00
Indian Act Amendments Indian Agents Given Power of Magistrate 1882
Flying Dust Reserve Surveyed 1881-08-13
Muskeg Leg Reserve Surveyed 1881-07-21
Survey of One Arrow Reserve 1881-06-27
Measles Outbreak at Sturgeon Lake 1881-00-00
Appealing to Lord Lorne to amend the terms of Treaty 4 1881-00-00
Measles Outbreak at James Smith 1881-00-00
Governor General presents Mistawasis and Ahtakhakoop with Silver Medals 1881-00-00