
Title Sub Event Start Date
Termination of Contiguous Plains Cree Reserves 1881-00-00
Indian Act Amendments Regulations of Sale of Agricultural Products; Broadening Powers of Magistrates and Indian Agents 1881-00-00
Fort Qu'Appelle Meeting with Governor General 1881-00-00
Measles Outbreak at Sturgeon Lake 1881-00-00
Work for Welfare Policy 1881-00-00
Measles Outbreak at James Smith 1881-00-00
Governor General presents Mistawasis and Ahtakhakoop with Silver Medals 1881-00-00
James Smith's Meeting with Governor General Lord Lorne 1881-00-00
Crooked Lake Agency at the Turn of the 19th Century 1880s-00-00
Outbreak of Scarlatina and Measles Across Southern Saskatchewan 1880-10-00
Muskeg Lake band refused rations 1880-09-00
Reserve Justice Administration and Bureaucracy Indian Act Amendments of 1881 and 1884 1880-00-00
Riot at Fort Walsh 1880-00-00
Northern Resource Abundance 1880-00-00
Introduction of Indian Agricultural Exhibitions Program 1880-00-00
Emergence of Sex Work in the West Increase in the Reports of Sexually Transmitted Diseases/Infections 1880-00-00
Introduction of Reserve Agricultural Program 1880-00-00
Creation of Department of Indian Affairs 1880-00-00
Indian Act Amendment Prohibition of Trading/Bartering Treaty Gifts; Gender-Biased Legislation of Victorian Judeo-Christian Moral Principles 1880-00-00
Women on Onion Lake Reserve Essential to Community Survival 1880
Inspection of Cowessess reserve 1879-10-02
Flood on Lower Saskatchewan River 1879-10-00
Battleford Council 1879-08-26
Meeting with Dewdney at Carlton 1879-08-00
Davin Report 1879-03-14
Treaty 6: Fiduciary Obligation for Provisions 1879-00-00
Creation of Position of Indian Commissioner 1879-00-00
Home Farm Program Established in treaty areas 4 and 6 1879-00-00
Opening of Work Farm at Battleford 1879-00-00
Two Yoke of Oxen Purchased for Kakniostohan and Chakachas Bands Distributed Instead to Pasqua and Gordon's 1879-00-00