
Title Sub Event Start Date
Treaty 6: Fiduciary Obligation for Provisions 1879-00-00
Treaty 6 Adhesion Battleford 1878-08-29
Meeting Between Big Bear and David Laird 1878-08-00
Kawkeeshiway Grievance Regarding Treaty 4 Implemenation 1878-08
Treaty 6 Adhesion Fort Walsh 1878-07-02
Qu'Appelle District Food Riot 1878-03-00
Collapse of the Bison Population on the Plains 1878-00-00
Pasqua Crops Destroyed 1878-00-00
Yellow Quill Reserve Forced to Delay Farming 1878-00-00
Recognition of Metis Land Rights in the North-West Territories 1878-00-00
Adoption of Macdonald's National Policy 1878-00-00
Distribution of Work Animals to Carlton Bands 1878-00-00
Sheer Compulsion Policy 1878-00-00
Conservative Government Returns to Power in 1878 Implications of the National Policy on Aboriginal Peoples 1878-00-00
Preliminary Survey of the South Saskatchewan River Metis river lot land plots disregarded 1878-00-00
Kawacatoose Famine Band is starving, consumes government-issued animals as last-resort food source 1877-10-00
Treaty 4 Adhesion Fort Walsh 1877-09-25
Subsistence Patterns on the Plains Are Altered by Death, Disease, Famine 'Black Winter' 1877-00-00
Reserve Land Surveys Occur Near Prince Albert Request from Prince Albert area leaders for land survey 1877-00-00
Pasqua Reserve Surveyed 1876-10-00
Treaty 6 Fort Pitt 1876-09-09
Treaty 5 Adhesion The Pas on the Saskatchewan 1876-09-07
Treaty 6 Negotiations Big Bear Declines Treaty 1876-09-00
Lean Man Reserve Surveyed 1876-08-26
Treaty 4 Adhesion Fort Pelly 1876-08-24
Treaty 6: Background Fort Carlton 1876-08-18
Treaty 6 Negotiations: Mistawasis and Ahtahkakoop Implore other Chiefs to Sign Chiefs Mistawasis and Ahtahkakoop Convince Other Chiefs and Leaders to Sign Treaties 1876-08-17
Complaints about the Quality of Tobacco and Other Goods Distributed by the Government Treaty 4 and Treaty 6 1876-08-00
Internal Division within Yellow Quill band 1876-00-00
Treaty 6 Adhesion 1876-00-00